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ASF Today!

ASF TODAY! is an online/social media video series with a variety of information, activities and tips to keep ourselves calm, physically fit, informed, healthy and entertained.  We have many talented people among our ranks and in our community. We are grateful some familiar faces have offered their talents to help us launch and bring the ASF Today! Series to you. By seeing familiar faces and connecting via technology, we will help each other through these extraordinary times and beyond.

All About Chase Sadowski!

Chase has been sking at the Adaptive Sports Foundation for four years. Watch the video below to hear about Chase lead by Madison, ASF intern.

Adapt different recipes to various food sensitivities

Watch volunteer ski instructor Bridget Geary and her brother make two different banana breads and guess which is which! Be sure to watch the full video for a surprise ending!

ICE Trike Full Fat – ASF’s newest bike!

Program Supervisor, Chris Brower took the ASF’s newest piece of adaptive equipment out for a test ride on our local mountain bike trails. The Ice Trike Full Fat covered a lot of ground and tackled most obstacles with ease. Chris ventured into the May snow to properly test the limits of the equipment and maybe the rider too! Watch his report and share in the smiles! He only crashed a few times! We at ASF can’t wait to share the trails, and the outdoors in general, with all of our incredible volunteers and the participants we serve! Stay safe but stay active. #adaptiveMTB #FatBike #Catskills

22 push up challenge for Veteran Suicide Awareness

Members of the ASF staff have accepted the challenge to raise awareness about mental health and have agreed to take part in the 22 Pushups for suicide awareness. This social media challenge is about raising awareness for the members in the military, currently serving and retired who struggle with mental health and on average 22 individuals of this population commit suicide a day. We want those that may be struggling with PTSD & other mental health issues that the ASF is here ready to listen, talk, and to help. #ASFsupports #togetherwecan

Shrimp Curry with Chef Miguel Franco and ASF volunteer snowboard instructor

Chef Miguel Franco and ASF volunteer snowboard instructor gives us a step by step video on how to make his delicious shrimp curry dish.

All about Ainsley

Meet Ainsley, a beautiful almost six year old little girl. Ainsley has mobility challenges due to a benign brain tumor. She skis every weekend at the ASF with the help of our volunteer instructors. Ainsley talks about skiing, her ASF instructors, and what she is doing during #stayathome.

Cycling comfort basics

Everyone loves getting outside, fresh air and the wind in your face when you are on those long bike rides. However, not so great once you get off the bike? Proper fit is key to a comfortable and enjoyable bike ride during and after. Sebastian from Windham Mountain Outfitters goes over how to properly fit your bike so you can focus on the scenary, fresh air and the joys of cycling.

Changing a bike tire

As the weather gets nicer and start to get outside with our bikes, Nick from Windham Mountain Outfitters goes over how to change a bike tire quickly and easily so you can go on with your ride!

Creating Zen at home

We all love the Zen and peaceful feeling of entering a spa, especially The Windham Spa in Windham, NY. Antonia and her staff create such a peaceful, relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere as soon as you walk in the door. However, since we can’t go to the spa, Antonia gives us some great tips on how to make our quarantine nest a peaceful stress free place.

How to make a homemade and comfortable COVID-19 mask

Jim (MD) and Eileen Tucci, ASF donors and volunteers demonstrate how to make face masks from common household items.

Getting your bike ready to ride! – Chris Brower, ASF Program Supervisor

Looking to get that bike out of the garage, Chris Brower, ASF Program Supervisor goes over basic bike readiness for the spring. Get out and ride!

Yoga for 10- Thoracic spine mobility by Nina Porter

Keeping our backs strong, stretched and healthy is so important to our overall healthy and wellness. Whether you are working from home or more sedentary than normal because of our Stay at Home life right now, make sure you are taking care of your back so when we can resume our normal busy lives, your back will be ready! Nina Porter, full time Windham resident, real estate agent, certified Yoga instructor and life coach leads us through a 10 minute stretching and yoga session focusing on the spine and mobility. 

Stretch & Breathe with Sadie
Click here for an outline of Sadie’s stretching and breathing exercises

In this ASF Today! episode, Sadie gives us simple but very effective stretches and breathing exercises that help keep us loose and release stress/tension. This is very important given a lot of us are working from home and not at our normal work stations. #ASFToday! #togetherwecan

Coping with COVID-19 with Charlie & Sadie
Click here for an outline of Sadie’s breathing and journaling tips

Call on a friend, during this time or any time we are struggling it is essential to have some friends to call on. We can’t just go drive over to someone’s house right now but we are blessed with technology that will put us face to face with anyone with a camera phone or tablet. Utilize your resources and create a buddy system during these trying times!

Emotional Freedom Technique for Anxiety
Click here for a outline of Sadie’s tips

Sadie Saccoccie of Graceful Hands Massage Therapy  & the Lead Snowboard Coach at the Adaptive Sports Foundation presents Anxiety Relief During These Crazy Times. Here are some useful tips and tools to help aid you during these uncertain times. This is all unsettling regardless of if you consider yourself to be someone who battles with anxiety or not, the fear of the unknown is natural during this time. Anxiety isn’t a core emotion, but instead it’s an inhibiting effect that keeps you from the feelings your feeling by moving you into your mind. Good news is, you are not alone, and there are many ways to alleviate your anxious symptoms with simple techniques that are free and easy to access anywhere and anytime. Show up for yourself today with love, meet yourself where you’re at and be gentle. Try implementing some daily tools and breathe! You’re doing great! We are all in this together!

ASF Chili – Comfort food ASF style!
Click here for the recipe

ASF Chili – Comfort food ASF style! Laurie Kleiman, member of the ASF Board of Trustees and ASF lunch crew volunteer along with her son Charlie, member of the ASF Race Team show us how to make her famous ASF Chili. This chili many of you will recognize from our weekend lunch program during the winter season. This chili will give you a familiar warm feeling during these times.

Friday, April 3, 2020 – Informational session for the Windham Community on the CARES Act Small Business Paycheck Protection Program

The Adaptive Sports Foundation is facilitating a call with a panel of local experts to review the recent CARES Act and Small Business Paycheck Protection Program. Discussions will include who is eligible, how to apply, timelines, and other frequently asked questions.

Anxiety Relief During These Crazy Times 
Click here for a outline of Sadie’s tips

Sadie Saccoccie of Graceful Hands Massage Therapy  & the Lead Snowboard Coach at the Adaptive Sports Foundation presents Anxiety Relief During These Crazy Times. Here are some useful tips and tools to help aid you during these uncertain times. This is all unsettling regardless of if you consider yourself to be someone who battles with anxiety or not, the fear of the unknown is natural during this time. Anxiety isn’t a core emotion, but instead it’s an inhibiting effect that keeps you from the feelings your feeling by moving you into your mind. Good news is, you are not alone, and there are many ways to alleviate your anxious symptoms with simple techniques that are free and easy to access anywhere and anytime. Show up for yourself today with love, meet yourself where you’re at and be gentle. Try implementing some daily tools and breathe! You’re doing great! We are all in this together!

Stay mentally and physically fit during the COVID-19

Bonnie St. John, US Paralympian, Motivational Speaker & Author.  Bonnie gives us tips to stay mentally and physically healthy during the COVID-19 crisis.

Saturday, March 28, 2020 – Webinar

COVID-19 with Norman Kleiman, Professor at Columbia University
The first in our series is to address what we are all going through, COVID-19. Norman Kleiman , ASF volunteer snowboard & ski instructor, is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences in the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Norman and his colleagues at the Mailman School are at the front lines of research into corona virus treatments, disinfection and basic understanding of its biology and human health effects. Norman has graciously agreed to do a webinar for our ASF community to explain the science behind COVID-19, help separate fact from fiction and answer our questions.

View COVID-19 with Norm Webinar here