We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike. – Maya Angelou
ASF is committed to working with Windham Mountain, Catskill region community and beyond to create an inclusive culture where individuals no matter what their ability, race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation are accepted. These values have been at the heart of the Adaptive Sports Foundation’s mission for almost four decades. In 1984, Gwen Allard (ASF’s Founder and trailblazer in the snowsports and adaptive sports industry) removed the barriers for individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities to enjoy skiing and snowboarding.

The ASF has offered Erin and our family a safe, welcoming and inclusive setting which not only allows her to be herself but also celebrates who she is and has the potential to be. In a world not always welcoming to difference and anomaly, life with a son, daughter or sibling with autism can be challenging and often stressful. The ASF serves as a haven for families like ours and our appreciation knows no bounds. – Eileen Flood O’Connor, ASF Parent and member of the ASF Board of Trustees