On December 12, 2010, ASF marked another milestone with the Ride2Live Project kicking off its second year, introducing children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders to the exhilarating world of snowboarding. With the help of 12 instructors, plus private sponsors and inside volunteers, the project also helped parents realize that not only can they enjoy winter sports, but that they can do this together as a family. There’s something for everyone at ASF and Windham Mountain.

“The project was created to be multifaceted, to help students reach new potentials trying a new sport, to provide opportunities to socialize and to help parents network and realize that they too can learn something new,” said co-founder Karen Elder.
Six children and teens participated in this year’s project. Just like last year, we had one great day of sun and snow and one day of total rain. And just like last year, this did not deter either our students or our instructors from going out on both days and giving it their all.
“Each family took the time to let us know they were amazed by the patience, care and dedication that every one of our volunteer instructors demonstrated out on the hill this weekend,” said Ride2Live Project co-founder Vince Passione. “They arrived skeptical since most times they are told what their child can’t, won’t, or just plain will never be able to do.

At a special dinner to salute everyone invited Project Ambassadors Zach Elder and Megan Hopkins talked to students and parents about how snowboarding helped change their lives. To wrap up the weekend, each participant received a Ride2Live medal. Zach presented each medal in honor of the participant’s passage from “newbie” to snowboarder.