A local from the Catskill mountains and raised on most winter and water sports, I felt it was a fitting career to become a Physical Educator. I earned my A.A.S for Massage Therapy, and shortly thereafter, I earned my B.S. in Science of Education for P.E. at SUNY Cortland. I graduated from Slippery Rock Universitys’ Masters’ program in Adapted Physical Activity early this summer. I am part of the third graduating class of this program, and SRU is the only University to offer this major and program. Many people have branched out from our masters program into politics, financial institutions and fitness programing. The purpose of my internship is to prepare me for a leadership position through gaining higher quality skills in management and administration in my field.

The Adaptive Sports Foundation staff is really quite helpful with the numerous requirements of the internship position, and have been great teachers to help me progress in my leadership abilities. Since I started here, I have been able to help develop program activities for the Wounded Warriors, and coordinate the Paralympic Awareness Day. These have further developed my marketing skills as well as made me more knowledgeable of the various affiliations and groups that have associated with ASF to help improve the lives of people with disabilities.
I am always fascinated to learn the modification tricks that various staff members at ASF have used in different sports that help accommodate any person. I love coming to the ASF everyday: if you love your job you can hardly consider it work!

When I finish out my internship, I will be finished with school for good (yippee!) and I will be looking for job openings that resemble the work I do here at ASF. In the future I hope to work with rehabilitating individuals with recreational activity and physical health and fitness. I have many other skills, such as massage therapy, that I hope to one day contract through existing programs to further their development, and reach out to more people.